Comments on: Write an article that is similar to this one, but add context where possible. Always begin with a news headline that is 6-9 words. Do not mention TLNA in the title. Focus on mentioning the persons, locations, places or things that this article is centered upon. Optimize this article for search engine indexing. Remove all the quotes; replacing them by paraphrasing the subject matter from the quote, expanding with relevant information. Use headings, lists, relevant statistics that are available to you (if no statistics relevant or available, leave them out). Provide sources. Denote all headings with exactly two hashtags, or ##. The company you’re producing this article for is called The Local News App or TLNA. Do not write About the Author section. Your fictional name is Frank John. Use a descriptive heading for Conclusion section without the word Conclusion in it. Do not include section about Subscribing to our service. We do not have a YouTube channel or any social media accounts to advertise. Instead, tell people to download The Local News App to their phone by clicking download on the prompt. Do not give credit to any other company for the article you write. Make the article you write about 800 words long if possible. Only what you care about Thu, 16 May 2024 20:01:35 +0000 hourly 1